ChemCatBio Accelerates the Catalyst and Process Development Cycle Animation (Text Version)
This is the text version for the ChemCatBio Accelerates the Catalyst and Process Development Cycle Animation video.
The path to catalyst deployment is slow and difficult.
A cartoon bicycler struggles up a steep mountain, representing the difficult path from catalyst discovery to scale-up.
Barriers to catalyst maturation and scale-up include: catalyst synthesis, product yield, stability, cost and formulation, and process integration.
ChemCatBio is accelerating the catalyst and process development cycle.
A second bicycler appears, making much better time on easier, smoother terrain.
Reduced cost and time for technology maturation through ChemCatBio resources include: tools to improve research efficiency; publications and webinars; access to national lab expertise; catalyst deactivation mitigation; industry and academia partnerships; best practices and benchmarks; and next-gen catalytic systems.
The second bicycler reaches catalyst scale-up twice as fast as the first bicycler.
The video ends with the ChemCatBio logo, as well as the logo for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office.